My Apology
You have been a widow and known many the pain
I’m sorry for the times your eyes knew tears again,
I wish it were not so, but I am just a composing man
One who wants to know you and to truly understand.
At the very least I am earnest and am genuinely real
I am far from perfect; I will always tell you how I feel,
I love you; I desire to be the one who makes you smile
A diplomat I am not and at times so prickly is my style.
Amy Elizabeth, when I said I do, I also meant that I will
Be true to you, while protecting you and Isabella still,
Whitetail will not fail and I will see it come to fruition
I am a human male and at times flawed in composition.
As year number fifty three is now galloping into our town
I am sorry if the shadows from my past are still around,
I have been a position to give my life for what I believed
I give the Lord the glory for the garden of poetry achieved.
This is my apology and as sincerely as I know how to be
Forgive me, thanks in advance for being my wife, Amy!
Written by Gary Cox 06/17/ God be the glory
