The Princess And The Pony Meet Katie The Centipede
The princess and the pony galloped into the meadow
When off in the distance was standing a peculiar fellow,
When they met him, his name was Arthur the apothecary
Purveyor of potions and lotions from the land of the fairy.
What would like to buy today, for all here is now for sale
I could make you light as a feather or as slow as a snail,
Do you have a special potion that no one has ever tried?
Arthur said that he did; but in reality, he may have lied.
If you drink this draught, quite different you will then feel
The minutiae of this life will have power, a strange appeal,
So Princess Zoe gave Arthur money for her and the pony
They drank down the special potion and they eyes stony.
Zoe met many tiny things while on top of her trusted steed
Until at last, they met in a flurry; a furry and funny centipede,
My name is Katie and I am in need of a cobbler, a shoemaker
Zoe and Penelope agreed to help and they did soon take her.
Into a tiny, shiny cave that they both had never seen before
They both occupied Katie into the cave to complete her chore,
The cobbler saw that he indeed had a lot of work now to do
I will get to work right away; construct for you many a shoe.
Katie invited them into the tiny salon of this elegant boutique
There were so many goods for sale and the prices were cheap,
Much to Zoe’s surprise, her money here was diminutive, too
She bought an apple for both Penelope and Katie that was blue.
Later that afternoon, with the construction of the shoes all done
Katie tried the fit and had to admit, she looked stylish in the sun,
As they said goodbye, without the knowing why, to their surprise
Zoe and Penelope were restored to their former and proper size.
They would always remember that despite whatever is the size
To always wear a winsome smile and to look others in the eyes,
Whenever the shoe was fitting, they would wear it with the joy
That comes from transmitting a love that this life cannot destroy.
Written by Gary Cox 10/22/ God be the glory
