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Versatile Psalmist 121.0

Writer: Gary the Poet's PenGary the Poet's Pen

Buckle Up, Buttercup

In the natural world right now, it would be easy to look down

With the news of the day, violence and the winter all around,

By this faith, I will look up to the hills and call out for Divine aid

I will praise His holy name, be of good cheer, and not dismayed.

Does the One who made the heavens and globes now slumber?

Will He allow His creation to be completely destroyed, I wonder?

Even if a calamity of great heat from the sun arises, He is a shield

He is a Goshen, a mighty ocean of water that will not ever yield.

He will take the church of Philadelphia to a secure, safe location

The Lord does not suffer from amnesia and is not on a vacation, Do you seek after His Holy word and with all of your soul’s might?

He is your provider by day and a beacon to guide you in the night.

We do not know all the intricacies of His eternal and salvation plan

But His living book says that He once again dwells here with man,

So be of good cheer and if you feel depressed, I suggest, look up

Do these words ring of truth in your spirit; buckle up, buttercup?!

Written by Gary Cox 01/07/ God be the glory


About Me

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My name is Gary Cox and I am a poet who writes inspired poetry from the Lord as well as from my own life's trials, blessings, experiences and hard lessons.  I pray you are blessed and inspired by a sampling of my collection contained in my blog.  To learn more about me, please visit my "About the Author" page! 


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